El Yunque rainforest has changed but is still here

This photo was taken the first of November 2017 and you can see everything getting greener. This is looking southeast from our driveway.

This photo was taken the first of November 2017 and you can see everything getting greener. This is looking southeast from our driveway.

El Yunque's Rainforest has some 70% reduction in the canopy so the sky is visible as is more bird-life. The easy trails on 191 won't be open for a while as they have to be as safe as Disneyland before they will allow their use.  But there are many trails we recommend that aren't quite as safe, a little more adventurous and literally off the beaten trail. We also have our private trail which is still the best.

Another reason to come visit the rainforest now is because you can truly commune with nature. We, of course, love El Yunque but in recent years the crowding from millions of visitors has been detracting from the experience. We still know of special uncrowded places where we can send our guests but now you can go almost anywhere in the rainforest and it is incredibly peaceful and quiet with nothing but nature all around. I know it may seem like I am looking for silver linings but it really is true. Your visit to the rainforest this season will be a special private experience.

Looking back at the Rainforest Inn from the trailhead of our private "lost machete" trail.

Looking back at the Rainforest Inn from the trailhead of our private "lost machete" trail.

If you're interested in going to other areas of Puerto Rico when you plan your vacation tourism has put together a website which shows the ( status of Puerto Rico ) and they keep updating it. It shows a lot of little charts for various services and businesses in Puerto Rico and what percentage is up and running like before hurricane Maria was ever here. 

Many of our favourite nearby restaurants are back in service too like "Mi Vida" in Palmer and "Ekelekua" just down the road from us. 

Click on our hand drown map to download a PDF that your can print out or peruse later.

Click on our hand drown map to download a PDF that your can print out or peruse later.